Sattva, Rajas, Tamas
Woman Mystery
Do you remember the scene when Mary Magdalene anoints Jesus’ feet with precious oils? And when Jesus was washing the feet of his disciples … yes … the mystery of life is love in the divine sense of giving and receiving, male and female, lingam and yoni, master and disciple, strength and weakness. Unconditional love without ego. Then when a woman tenderly and trustingly surrenders to a man, a man can show his power and strength, but without pride and without ego, remaining in emptiness. And so they are both filled and filled with the divine energy of Shiva and Shakti. Only by worshiping one another do we keep the secret of divine unity. Going deeper, the question arises how to persevere in this secret?
Woman Mystery
Czy pamiętasz scenę, gdy Maria Magdalena namaszcza drogocennymi olejkami stopy Jezusa? A gdy Jezus umywał stopy swoim uczniom… tak… tajemnica życia to miłość w boskim znaczeniu oddawania i pobierania, mężczyzna i kobieta, lingam i yoni, mistrz i uczeń, siła i słabość. Miłość bezwarunkowa, bez ego. Wtedy kiedy kobieta czule i w zaufaniu poddaje się mężczyźnie, mężczyzna może pokazać swoja moc i sile, ale bez dumy i bez ego, pozostając w pustce. I tak ich oboje napełnia i wypełniła boska energia Shivy i Shakti. Tylko przez czczenie siebie nawzajem dotrzymujemy tajemnicy boskiej jedności. Schodząc głębiej pojawia się pytanie jak wytrwać w tej tajemnicy?
How to master the mind, how to practice and who to make love with? The science of energy is fascinating. Even more, because everything vibrates in the right tone. Our hearts … can you hear your heartbeat? It beats unconditionally for you. Its boom and void mechanism, boom and silence immerse your mind in this void … if a woman is reading this – please put your left hand on your heart and your right hand on your lap and unite. Breathe … Do you pay with material goods for each new inhale and exhale, no! You download and give away. Tantra is the science of energy. You can quickly imagine that our bodies are having relationships and reactions that manifest, for example, vitality in our body. To improve the quality of energy, yoga, meditation and sexual practices such as massage and sex come to the rescue. Exercise and breathing, focus and concentration, lingam and yoni. Together, these elements lead to divine union and divine unity. By practicing, you strengthen your inner energy, which attracts material goods. In your practice you must be devoted to unconditional love, worship and love it is like a code, and this applies to both men and women.